Through financial, academic, and social/emotional supports, the Reisher Ready program seeks to prepare promising students for the Reisher Scholars Program at Colorado Mesa University (CMU).
The Reisher Ready Program awards up to five - $5,000 tuition and fees scholarships to incoming freshman who meet all the following criteria:
- Colorado Resident
- High school senior graduating from a Grand Junction (D51) high school or Montrose High School
- Attending CMU in the fall as a full-time student (12 or more credits)
- Pursuing a Bachelor's degree
- High school GPA 3.0 or above – or show academic promise, as evidenced by an academic reference
- Have a completed FAFSA for the year of application
- Demonstrate specific financial need as determined by FAFSA.
- Complete the application process
Qualifying incoming freshmen can receive the Reisher Ready scholarship for their freshmen year (fall/spring semesters only). Additional funding is not available in the Reisher Ready Program.
To Apply:
- Contact your high school College and Career Advisor (CCA) or Upward Bound Advisor (UB) and set up a meeting!
- Submit your application essay to your CCA or UB Advisor
Grad Plan and application essays are due back to your CCA or Upward Bound Advisor by March 31st at 11:59 PM MST.
Questions? Please contact Mack Lewis
Reisher Scholars Program
The Reisher Scholars Program awards need-and-merit-based scholarships. These awards are given to continuing sophomores and transferring juniors who transfer from community or junior colleges (including CMU Tech students on track to complete an associates). Awards range from $4,000 to $15,000 for students who meet the following criteria:
General Eligibility Criteria
- Colorado resident
- Have a completed FAFSA for the year of application
- Demonstrate specific financial need as determined by FAFSA
- Enroll as a full-time student each semester (12 or more credits)
- Pursuing a Bachelors degree
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (CMU or transfer)
Continuing CMU Students
Must meet the above general eligibility criteria in addition to the following:
- Sophomore standing (30-59 completed credits) by Fall of the next year enrolled at CMU
- Have a cumulative CMU GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Have an expected graduation date within 3 years of being selected as a Reisher Scholar
Transferring Students
Must meet the above general eligibility criteria in addition to:
- Transfer from a junior or community college with a junior standing by the first year enrolled at CMU.
- CMU Tech students with a completed associates may qualify
- Transferred cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Have an expected graduation date within 2 years of being selected as a Reisher Scholar
Renewal Criteria (all criteria must be met to be eligible)
- Student must successfully complete a minimum of 12 credit hours each fall and spring semester (scholarship not available during the summer session).
- Maintain cumulative Colorado Mesa University GPA of 3.00 or higher.
- Must stay on-track to graduate within funding timeline (3 years for continuing, 2 years for transfer students).
- Complete the FAFSA every year in a timely manner to meet early priority deadlines
- Work an average of 10 hours per week during the school year
- Attend required Reisher Scholar events
For additional information, check out the Reisher Scholars Program website.
Questions? Please contact Jackson Lawler-Sidell